Hello Beraskentjoeria!Kalian pada tau LMFAO nggak?ok LMFAO ini tuh yang nyanyi Party Rock Anthem itu lho!! yang "Party Roxxx is in da hawz toniteee,eveybadeh just have a gud taymm" Well I'm the biggest fan of them loh!!Then,gue mencoba untuk mencari merch mereka. Sebenernya gue pengen beli Kacamata bcs gue adalah Glasses Freaks but..yaudah lah adanya kaos yaudah akhirnya gue beli kaos Party Rock Crew

dan ini hasilnya kalo udah dikenakan sm saya

Back to the Jungle

Hey There Beraskentjoeria.

Hmm kinda miss here. Beraskentjoer..Well banyak banget cerita yang pengen gue ceritain disini. Dan yg bikin ashamed banget kenapa post bawahnya ini galau semua ya?apa emang gue lagi galau jadi gini?hehe

Ok,sekarang gue udh menjalankan 12 bulan gue di SMA Negeri 68,well lotsa memories that I faced here. Banyak banget pengalaman dan kenangan yang membuat gue bangkit dan belajar dari kesalahan.Mulai dari kehidupan cinta yang sangat mengalami kemunduran,pendidikan sampe persahabatan pun diuji.

Then,bicara lovelife,SUXXXX banget deh pokoknya.Hehe tapi gpp lah mending mikirin yg lain kan daripada cinta-cintaan :hammer:
Oke usai sudah curhatan singkat ala Owner. Sedikit mengobati kerinduan untuk post disini,dan sedikit ngakak baca post-post dibelakangnya. I love you,xoxo

Sad Confessions

If you really knew me, you’d know that I want to be with him so bad. I have real feelings for him. I want to be with him. Hold him, kiss him, hug him, cheer him on at his LAX games and say “Yeah, you see that one? He’s mine.” But I can’t. I can’t tell you how I feel. If I get hurt again, I don’t know how much longer I can last.


If You really knew me, you’d know that I hide inside myself everyday. You’d know that I never EVER show my true self to anyone at all. And If You REALLY knew me you’d know that I am so afraid of what people think about me, it eats me alive.

You would know I miss you and how everything used to be. I only trust a few people in my life, and I still refuse too even let them know how much I miss you.

Kartini on Fixie

Hello Eveyibodwi
Nydxi wants to say, "Selamat hari Kartini!"
Btw,udah sedikit telat ya karena gue baru buka blog ini hari ini hehe gapapa
But we (Girls) must show to all of the boys that WE HAVE OUR INNER POWER AND BEAUTY!
And this is umm,Photoshoot for celebrating Kartini's Day. This Photo Taken by : Arvin and Yana,and me as the model!

Today's Shoutout

I feel fat, idk if i am really fat or not. but i feel fat. I just want to be bones. i try and work my way out to be that, but i can never look perfect. I feel ugly. more than i should. Am i ruining myself that way?

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